Sunday, January 15, 2012

River Rock

Right here on the corner is the River Rock coffee house in St. Peter, Mn. Helen has 18 of her works on display here until February 6th. St.Peter is an interesting town, very much into supporting the arts. We have been here before at the Stones Throw Gallery and the St.Peter Holiday Fare. Just down the street from River Rock is the Arts Center. The city of St.Peter is very conscious about preserving it's old historic buildings and River Rock is no exception, retaining much of the original condition of the building. River Rock does a brisk business and has a variety of delicious eats in addition to their excellent coffee.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Eureka I found it. This windows 7 is a real pain. It seems like no matter what I do I have to get some kind of update

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Little by little I'm getting out there. My husband the computor
junkie has gotten me on Facebook, Myspace, and Linkedin. He is
still struggling with Windows 7 but getting there.
"Feminine Tools" depicts what most of us women have on our little work bench, tools we use to perform maintenance on our selves. This drawining closely resembles mine, unorganized and scattered. Dang it now where did I put that eye liner?

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Waterville event.

The Sakatah Art Experience featured performing arts such as these Belly Dancers, the Shaia Dance Collective. Also featured was the Chance Meeting Band, Flat Head Cats, and the Tombstone Trio. It was an extremely hot day and took a toll on everyone.

Two photos of Helen's display and one with her trying to stay cool in the shade. In spite of the heat, the day went pretty smooth.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Washed Ashore

Waterville event coming I better get into gear. On this one something has washed ashore but one is not really sure just what it is. Is it some strange sea creature, a home, a grave for various sea life? Go ahead touch it, no I'm not gonna touch it, you do it.
It seems I am able to download pdf illustrations successfully. It's been an uphill battle since my old computor died. I should be getting more frequent posts.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Waterville, Minnesota

On July 10th from 11:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Helen will have a vendors booth at the Sakatah Arts Experience in Waterville, Mn. We were there last year and hope for a little cooler day. It was a very nice event with various vendors, a silent auction, and music.

At left here is a bad photo (my bad) of Looking Through which Helen is donating to the silent auction. It is matted and framed and is a Limited Edition Print. Throw a couple of bids on it to get it going, I mean heck the frame is worth at least 10 bucks. You might get a really good deal.
